my sexy new samsung syncmaster 940BW(19"widescreen)
After a long time fighting with my old 17"(16 "Viewable samsung) i recently updated with a 2 shiny new 19 " TFT LCD's Widescreen... Unlike my old CRT's this gives me complete 19 " of space to work with...
its so sad that PS3 cost nearly 50k in india .... i wished i have that much money at my disposal just for a game console... i guess i have to wait for couple of years for that to cool down, price wise. damn...and the games are too costly... i could just save them and invest in market to get more returns instead... :-p a job of any IT pro, its more or less like have to sit for a long time in the same place...its for coding or for an animator like me... here is an article tells about how to sit properly...
im just shocked to hear that this fantastic keyboard cost me a fortune...i was sparked when i heard about this one couple of years back... but now the price is just too much that i cant buy in the near future... see this link for $1200 keyboard Optimus
i have seen these kinda trick on a book, when i was a kid... and was not interested that time... now i saw this video.. wanting me to search those books.. :-)
How do we know if we really exist or whether we could be living in a computer simulation, somewhat like The Matrix? The simulation argument puts forward the view that we are almost definitely living in a computer simulation.
I always loved how Linux works,now this nice addition XGL makes me want to test in my home system... I already have Ubuntu 6.11 installed, now i have test if my system supports it.
My name is Rajesh, and I work as an Art Director in Tata Interactive Systems.
This blog contains post about stuff that im most interested in or please me at the moment.